As a renter, you likely expect your landlord to be responsible for most of the home’s upkeep and maintenance. There is one area, however, for which your landlord is not responsible.
A landlord must insure the building or house they are renting. However, this insurance coverage does not protect your personal belongings.
Without Tulsa renter’s insurance coverage for these items, the cost of replacing clothing, furniture, kitchen appliances, linens, computers, musical instruments, and other personal property can quickly become astronomical.
We certainly hope you do not face a flood, fire, or other unforeseen circumstance that results in the loss of your personal belongings. However, it is crucial to prepare for the unexpected.
At AAA Tulsa- South Memorial, we are passionate about providing you with insurance coverage appropriate for the area of life in which you currently find yourself.
If you are renting to save money each month, you may be hesitant to invest in Tulsa Renters Insurance. However, for just a few dollars a month, you can have the assurance that your personal belongings are protected in the event of a covered loss.
Tulsa Renters Insurance is not just to protect your belongings in the event of a flood or fire. This type of insurance coverage will also protect both you and your family if you were held legally responsible for another person’s injuries while they were visiting your home. Our team will help you assess your risk, choosing a coverage plan that fits both your needs and your budget.
In addition to the benefits already discussed, there are several other ways that Tulsa Renters Insurance has proven to be a valuable investment. When you first think of this type of coverage, you automatically think of the personal property you have within your home or apartment. However, this is not the only protection renters insurance provides! With a Tulsa Renter’s Insurance policy, your possessions are covered whether they are safe within your home or accompany you on adventures worldwide.
At AAA Tulsa – South Memorial, we know how important it is to have a place to call home. Unfortunately, many renters are forced to find temporary housing if their rental home or apartment is being rebuilt or repaired after a covered loss. We can help you select a plan that covers temporary housing expenses during this already stressful time.
AAA Tulsa – South Memorial is dedicated to serving each of our clients with excellence. We pride ourselves on our low rates on the best renters insurance available. In doing so, we allow our clients to protect themselves, their families, and their belongings in an affordable, effective manner.
Our team understands that the insurance selection process can be both stressful and tedious. We work to provide you with the information you need to make an educated decision regarding your Tulsa Renters Insurance policy. Whether you are renting your home for a few months or in the foreseeable future, we will help you ensure that you have the protection and coverage you deserve.
Are you ready to get started? Contact us today to learn more about Tulsa Renters Insurance!